I originally installed my fonts based on the Next.js documentation on fonts. This was great and a big improvement over other strategies for adding fonts to a website. What this gave me was this:
import { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document';
export default function Document() {
return (
<Html lang='en'>
<Main />
<NextScript />
The problem with font loading from Google Fonts
Aside from the fact I didn't find my font pairing was good, I felt limited in the styles I could download and then use. Too many options, and it would slow my website down, and too little options felt constraining.
The first part of the solution was to use a Variable Font. When I left (and have now come back to) web development and software engineering some years ago, I had read some articles from Chris Coyier, like this one on Variable Fonts, but they were not widespread. Google has a great introduction to variable fonts you can read here.
I used Font Pair and Compare to help me find a good pair for Figtree, designed by the great, Erik Kennedy. I like this site because you can select many pairs and compare the pairs against other pairs to find the best one. I chose Andada Pro as the pair. Both are variable fonts and both match the feeling I want people to have about me.
I always had the nagging feeling that making an extra call out to Google for my fonts was slowing my website. After digging around, I discovered that you can self-host fonts easily now.
Using Fontsource
Enter in Fontsource. Fontsource is a tool that let's you bring the advantages to self-hosting fonts to your website. Though I am not too concerned on the privacy aspects (I mean if any one is using Chrome, gmail, or any other Google service - the google.fonts tracking is the least of their problems), I definitely wanted significant performance gains.
There are basically three steps to using Fontsource.
- Installing the fonts with
- Update the import statements in
- Updating the CSS file,
in this case.
1. Installing fonts with npm
Visit the Google Font pages for your font choices. The URL looks something like this:
You can get the exact name of the font from the url, but there will not be any capital letters or (+)plus signs. All lowercase and the (+)plus signs are converted to (-)dashes in the command.
In my case, for Figtree and Andada Pro:
<!-- Google URLS -->
The corresponding installation commands using NPM. You can also always check the fonts and their install commands here.
// the install command
npm install -save @fontsource/<font-name>
// the commands for my use-case
npm install -save @fontsource/figtree
npm install -save @fontsource/andada-pro
2. Updating the import statements in _app.js
Importing the Font's requires a two-step mental model since we are using Variable Fonts.
First, you need to basically know how you're going to use each of the fonts you're importing. Design-wise.
Second, you need to only import what you need based on your design requirements.
For example, I am installing both Figtree and Andada Pro. Figtree will be used for my body text. Therefore, I will need bold, and light. Italics and so forth. The various weights. Andada Pro will only be used for the Heading titles and with one weight. So I can imported Andada Pro with only it's weights, not italic or underline, for example.
The fontsource documentation on variable-fonts covers this well.
These import
statements go in the _app.js
file to ensure the font styles apply to the entire website. Importing them on a page, will limited the font to that page.
My _app.js
looks like this now:
import '../styles/globals.css';
import '../styles/prism-styles.css';
// This contains ALL variable axes. Font files are larger.
import "@fontsource/figtree/variable-full.css";
// Contains ONLY variable weights and no other axes.
import "@fontsource/andada-pro/variable.css";
import Layout from '../components/structure/layout';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
Now, the last step is to update my CSS.
- Updating the CSS file,
in this case.
I already had Figtree as the default font for the entire website with this bit of CSS:
html {
font: 125%/1.4 'Figtree', sans-serif;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: 125%;
font-family: 'Figtree', sans-serif;
font-kerning: auto;
font-feature-settings: normal;
and then additional CSS here for the Body
regarding figtree.
body {
word-wrap: break-word;
font-kerning: normal;
-moz-font-feature-settings: 'kern', 'liga', 'clig', 'calt';
font-feature-settings: 'kern', 'liga', 'clig', 'calt';
letter-spacing: 0.03em;
color: var(--dark-brown);
background-color: var(--white);
For the second font, Andada Pro. I just wanted to use it for my headings. So my CSS looks like this:
h6 {
font-family: 'Andada Pro', serif;
color: var(--dark-accent);
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
padding-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
font-weight: 600;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
There you have it. I have now self-hosted my fonts and properly configured them in my Next.js website.
ps. If you had Google Fonts installed in your _document.js
file, make sure to delete the Google Fonts URL.